FISI sportsmen, teachers and students appointed as Standard-Bearers of the United States of the World
The FISI - Italian Winter Sports Federation - which includes 15 sports disciplines, has joined the "United States of the World": by virtue of the regulation, all members of the FISI - managers, students, athletes, teachers, etc. - are appointed "Standard-Bearers of the United States of the World" - are nominated "Standard-Bearers of the United States of the World".
The nomination ceremony with the awarding of diplomas took place at the headquarters in Naples and the first diplomas with the "Standard-Bearers" sash were awarded to Giacomo Bisconti, national technical manager, federal councillors Matteo Marsaglia and Betty Biavaschi, Roberta Cataldi, president of the technical school, Stefano Bosio, technical manager of Campania and Antonio Barulli, president of the FISI Campania Committee.
Other diplomas were handed out to the boys from various clubs at the ceremony held at the United States Museum of Peace.