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as stated in the current Statute, they have established - by a Deed by Notary Sabatino Santangelo drawn up in Naples on 22 December 2000, Rep. 49158 - Coll. 13032 - a series of bodies called AUTONOMOUS SECTIONS: these have the task of strengthening the actions concerning the geopolitical and geographical macro-areas into which the United States of the World is divided, namely: United States of Europe, United States of Africa, United States of the Americas, United States of Asia, United States of Oceania, Greater Mediterranean, Greater Atlantic, Greater Pacific, Greater Indian, Greater Antarctic, Greater Arctic.

Fondazione Mediterraneo

Fondazione Mediterraneo

It is the institution, an autonomous section, in charge of implementing the "United States of the World" with its own network and branch offices ...

Academy for the United States of Europe

Academy for the United States of Europe

It is the institution of high culture, autonomous section, dedicated to the development of the "United States of Europe” …

Academy for the United States of Africa

Academy for the United States of Africa

It is the institution, an autonomous section, dedicated to the establishment of the United States of Africa ...

Academy for the United States of Asia

Academy for the United States of Asia

It is the institution, an autonomous section, dedicated to the establishment of the United States of Asia ...

Academy for the United States of the Americas

Academy for the United States of the Americas

It is the institution, an autonomous section, dedicated to the establishment of the United States of the Americas ...

Academy for the United States of Oceania

Academy for the United States of Oceania

It is the institution, an autonomous section, deputed to the constitution of the United States of Oceania ...

Mediterranean Academy

Mediterranean Academy

It is the institution of high culture, an autonomous section, development of the "United States of the World" ...



It is the Network of Mediterranean and World Universities, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World" ...



It is the Network of Cities in Europe and the Mediterranean, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World" ...



It is the Network of Islands in the Mediterranean and the world, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World" …



It is the network of civil society organizations and associations of the 67 countries of the Great Mediterranean, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World" ..

Academy for Ecological Conversion

Academy for Ecological Conversion

It is the institution, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World", dedicated to the development of the "Ecological Conversion" programme ...

Mario Molinari Academy

Mario Molinari Academy

It is the institution, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World", dedicated to the development of art and creativity among young ...



It is the institution, an autonomous section of the "United States of the World", dedicated to women's rights ...