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Mana Saeed Alotaiba receives the Totem for Peace symbol of the United States of the World

In a solemn ceremony, the Secretary-General of the United States of the World Prof. Michele Capasso, accompanied by Pia Molinari - member of the Board and responsible for the youth and creativity area - presented Prof. Dr. Mana Saeed Alotaiba with the gold "Totem for Peace", symbol of the United States of the World. This high honour is awarded to Heads of State and "Ambassadors of Honour of the United States of the World".
"Prof. Mana's example - said SG Capasso - constitutes a fundamental pillar of the action of the United States of the World aimed especially at young people".
"His poetry - said PIa Molinari - is the antidote against the sadness and nefariousness of this world".
SG Capasso, moved, recalled Prof. Mana's generosity and handed over the first copy of the United States of the World Yearbook.

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