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The "Library of Peace" is one of the priority actions of the Fondazione Stati Uniti del Mondo ETS defined in the Statute since its establishment.
The goal is to promote dialogue and mutual respect in the Euro-Mediterranean region and in the world by promoting the reading of texts in various languages ​​and, in particular, in the Arabic language.
The United States of the World Foundation ETS signed in 2003 a permanent agreement with the “Bibliotecha Alexandrina” and the “Library of Algiers” and collaboration protocols with various international institutions, such as the “Al-Babtain Foundation” for the promotion and dissemination of Arabic poetry.
The headquarters of the "Library of Peace" - named after St. John Paul II - is located on the ground, mezzanine, fourth and fifth floors of the former “Grand Hotel de Londres”, where the United States of the World Foundation ETS with the Museum of Oeace - MAMT is located.
Equipped with about 20,000 volumes in various languages, the "Library of Peace" (BIPA) dedicates a section to children with books for children: from the myth of Giufà and the Thousand and One Nights to fairy tales that find unanimous consent and diffusion in various countries.
The "Library of Peace" is open for free to all on the following days:

  • Monday: from 10 to 13am and from 16 to 18pm.
  • Wednesday: from 10 to 13am and from 16 to 18pm.
  • Friday: from 10 to 13am and from 16 to 18pm.

Library of Peace
Codice ISIL: IT-NA0837

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Opening time

The "Library of Peace" is open for free to all on the following days:

  • Monday: from 10 to 13am and from 16 to 18pm.
  • Wednesday: from 10 to 13am and from 16 to 18pm.
  • Friday: from 10 to 13am and from 16 to 18pm.


The headquarters of the "Library of Peace" - named after St. John Paul II - is located on the ground, mezzanine, fourth and fifth floors of the former Grand Hotel de Londres, where the United States of the World Foundation ETS with the Peace Museum is located - MAMT. Access is from Via Depretis, 130 (intercom on the 4th floor).

The volumes

Equipped with about 20,000 volumes in various languages, the "Library of Peace" (BIPA) dedicates a section to children with books for children: from the myth of Giufà and the Thousand and One Nights to fairy tales that find unanimous consent and diffusion in various countries .
A special section is dedicated to the city of Naples and Arabic poetry, with a room dedicated to the poet Al-Otaiba.