United States of Europe USEU
They represent all European countries ...
Established as the European Economic Community with the Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1957, in the course of a long process of integration, with the accession of new Member States and the signing of numerous amending treaties, including the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht, it took on its current structure with the 2007 Treaty of Lisbon.
Flag | State | Capital | Map | Bandiera | State | Capital | Map | |
Austria | Vienna | Lituania | Vilnius | |||||
Belgio | Bruxelles | Granducato di Lussemburgo | Lussemburgo | |||||
Bulgaria | Sofia | Malta | La Valletta | |||||
Cipro | Nicosia | Paesi Bassi | Amsterdam | |||||
Croazia | Zagabria | Polonia | Varsavia | |||||
Danimarca | Copenaghen | Portogallo | Lisbona | |||||
Estonia | Tallin | Repubblica Ceca | Praga | |||||
Finlandia | Helsinki | Romania | Bucarest | |||||
Francia | Parigi | Slovacchia | Bratislava | |||||
Germania | Berlino | Slovenia | Lubiana | |||||
Grecia | Atene | Spagna | Madrid | |||||
Irlanda | Dublino | Svezia | Stoccolma | |||||
Italia | Roma | Ungheria | Budapest | |||||
Lettonia | Riga |