peace is action
Peace is Action and common responsibility: the "United States of the World" concretely work through the mobilization of all, showing the human face of brotherhood ...
Since 1987, many initiatives have been carried out on an international level: the World Peace Forums, the International Peace Work-shops and the Appeals promoted in various regions of the world have involved millions of people aware of the indispensable values of peace and brotherhood.
Of particular importance was the World Peace Forum (WPF) proposed by the United States of the World on the occasion of the Naples Peace Forum (1997): on that occasion, the approximately 3,000 representatives of various countries - including 700 young people - commissioned the United States of the World to implement this action, which became a meeting place for analysing the problems underlying conflicts and identifying the best strategies for consolidating lasting peace.
- Appeals for peace
- World Forum for Peace
- International Peace Workshop
- SUM Mediterranean Prize for Peace
- One of the internationally circulated videos