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Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Timor Leste

A delegation from the "United States of the World" participated in some moments of Pope Francis' apostolic journey to Timor Leste.
These are the words of the Holy Father:
"I thank you for the kind and joyful welcome in this beautiful land of Timor-Leste; and I am grateful to the President, Mr José Ramos-Horta, for the kind expressions he has just addressed to me. Here Asia and Oceania brush against each other and, in a certain sense, meet Europe, far away geographically, yet close by virtue of the role it has played in these latitudes over the last five centuries - I am not referring to the Dutch pirates! From Portugal, in fact, came the first Dominican missionaries in the 16th century who brought Catholicism and the Portuguese language; and the latter together with the Tetum language are today the two official languages of the state. 
Christianity, born in Asia, arrived at these offshoots of the continent through European missionaries, testifying to its universal vocation and ability to harmonise with the most diverse cultures, which, on encountering the Gospel, find a new, higher and deeper synthesis. Christianity inculturates itself, takes on the cultures and rites of the different peoples. Indeed, one of the important dimensions of Christianity is the inculturation of the faith. And it, in turn, evangelises culture.

This combination is important for Christian life: inculturation of faith and evangelisation of culture. It is not an ideological faith, it is a faith rooted in culture.This land, adorned with mountains, forests and plains, surrounded by a marvellous sea, as far as I could see, rich in so many things, so many fruits and timber...With all this, this land has gone through a painful phase in the recent past. It has experienced the convulsions and violence that often occur when a people is on the verge of full independence and its quest for autonomy is denied or opposed.
From 28 November 1975 to 20 May 2002, that is, from declared independence to that which has been definitively restored, Timor-Leste has experienced the years of its greatest passion and trial. It has suffered. However, the country has been able to rise again, finding a path of peace and opening up to a new phase, which wants to be one of development, of improvement of living conditions, of valorisation at all levels of the uncontaminated splendour of this territory and of its natural and human resources".
In the many meetings with the clergy, young people and during the Holy Mass, the Pope emphasised how poverty is present in many rural areas, and the consequent need for wide-ranging choral action involving multiple forces and distinct responsibilities, civil, religious and social, to remedy it and to offer valid alternatives to emigration.
A reference was then made to social plagues, such as the excessive use of alcohol among young people:
‘We are all called to act responsibly - said the Pope - to prevent all kinds of abuse and to guarantee a serene growth to our young people. I entrust Timor-Leste and all its people to the protection of the Immaculate Conception, heavenly Patroness invoked with the title Virgem de Aitara. May she accompany you and help you always in the mission of building a free, democratic, united and joyful country, where no one feels excluded and everyone can live in peace and dignity. Deus abençoe Timor-Leste! Maromak haraik bênção ba Timor-Lorosa'e!’.
