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Meeting with UM6P President Hicham El Habti

Secretary-General Michele Capasso, accompanied by Pia Molinari and Lhassan Hbdi, met with the President of the Mohammed VI University - Polytechnic (UM6P) Prof. Hicham El Habti.
On this occasion, the Secretary General presented President El Habti with the "United States of the World" yearbook and the volume dedicated to Morocco, one of the first countries to join.
"Our university - said President El Habti - is a catalyst for a new active Africa: a centre of excellence that trains a new generation of leaders who will build the Africa of the future. We place research and innovation at the heart of the pedagogical project, as the engine of an ideal business in which students are themselves creators of solutions. We are proud to be the only university in the world that gives access to a special section of 'excellencies'even to those who have not done their preparatory studies: for us it is enough that they are geniuses in pectore".
"The United States of the World - details SG Capasso - “has placed education in the approved 'Constitution' as a fundamental pillar for the future of mankind, as it is indispensable to respond to the expectations of future generations. In a virtual dimension, as this splendid campus is, everyone can educate themselves, express themselves, commit themselves and propose their own solutions: an avant-garde pedagogical model capable of freeing knowledge based on the student's ability to manage their own learning".
Many shared the principles of the United States of the World that emerged from the colloquium: the proposal is to examine the possibility that the entire campus could become one of the universities that place the fundamental principles of the United States of the World at the centre of the various educational courses: from ecological conversion to commitment to young people, from the quality of living environments to the new role of architecture for the common good.

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