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The Director of the “Agenzia del Demanio” Alessandra dal Verme visiting the United States of the World headquarters

Welcomed by the Secretary General prof. Michele Capasso, the Director Alessandra dal Verme, accompanied by the Regional Director Mario Parlagreco and other officials, visited some emotional itineraries of the Museum - an "emotional" heritage of humanity - and the main institutional rooms of the "United States of the World".
On this occasion, having found a coherence of views on the new way of conceiving public assets at the service of citizens, prof. Capasso proposed to present the uniqueness of the actions put in place by the “Agenzia del Demanio” (State Property Agency) to respond to the changed context, looking at the assets of the State as a wealth of the entire population.
The perspective of the "United States of the World" - within the "Living Environments" and "Civilizing the Urban" areas - is the creation of value understood not only as a positive impact on the economy but, above all, as a concrete action to limit soil consumption and to reduce waste through urban and environmental regeneration interventions, to promote energy efficiency, safety from seismic risk and resilience to climate change with a view to the "ecological conversion" that since 1987 "United States of the World" have proposed to 181 countries and 16,000 member organizations and institutions.

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International volunteering day. The best medicine to treat ourselves and society.

The "United States of the World" promoted the "International Volunteer Day" in various cities on 5 continents:
The president of the Commission "Volunteering and human rights" Giuseppe Lumia stated in his message: “Modern volunteering is a concrete experience that deeply marks life. Heal ourselves from a thousand evils that often brutalize us: apathy, loneliness, boredom, selfishness, indifference. It also exalts the beautiful virtues that, digging, digging, we all have inside and that we often overlook: proximity, desire to do, gift, gratuity, dedication, altruism, ability to "emerge from difficulties together." Modern and organized volunteering is also the right experience to cure the ills of society which are unfortunately many: hatred, discrimination, violence, wars, inequalities, climate change, but also disengagement towards each other and towards the social and environmental context.
In fact, modern and organized volunteering promotes participation, sharing, planning, fraternity and relationships.
This is why modern and organized volunteering brings into play high democratic and political profiles in a participatory way that wants to remove the causes of the discomfort or marginalization to which we passionately dedicate ourselves.
My teacher and brotherly friend, Luciano Tavazza, has always testified: "not heroes, but citizens". That's no small thing, especially in these troubled times.
I recommend reading two books: "The city of joy", by Dominique Lapierre, whose disappearance we mourn today, and precisely "Not heroes, but citizens", by Luciano Tavazza.
I also remember the link to sign the appeal to the President of the Republic - prepared by the Luciano Tavazza association, connected to the "United States of the World" - to relaunch the role of organized volunteering".

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The Faculty of Sciences Semlalia of Marrakech pays tribute to its founder, Professor Mohamed Knidiri, member of the "United States of the World"

On Monday 21 November 2022, a ceremony was held at the Faculty of Semlalia Sciences in Marrakech (FSSM) to pay tribute to an exceptional person, Professor Mohamed Knidiri, in the presence of Professor Moulay Lhassan Hbid, President of Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) and Professor El Hassan El Mouden, Dean of the Faculty of Semlalia Sciences (FSSM) in Marrakech.
At the initiative of the Faculty of Semlalia Sciences of Marrakech, an eloquent speech was delivered to honour the career of Professor Mohamed Knidiri, founder of the Faculty (FSSM) and of the 'United States of the World', former Founding Rector of the UCA and Minister of National Education, President of Le Grand Atlas Association (AGA) - a member of the 'United States of the World' - and Academic President of the Private University of Marrakech (UPM).
During this ceremony attended by numerous notables of the ochre city and academics, a true celebration for science and for the founding man who represents Cadi Ayyad University, many of his collaborators testified in favour of the man who has long inspired and followed them within the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia in particular and Cadi Ayyad University in general.
There were also moving testimonies of gratitude from his former students and collaborators for the quality of his teaching and pedagogy, for his generosity and for the example he continues to set for those passionate about research and science, culture and sport.
This ceremony was also an opportunity to recall his exceptional, fruitful and outstanding career, during which he received, as a result of his remarkable scientific work, the most extensive international recognition and consecration that a renowned chemist can dream of. Both in Morocco and abroad.
Conciliatory and courteous in his friendly and professional relations, while remaining faithful to a generous but unbending line of conduct, Professor Knidiri is a great militant in associative life, in favour of the underprivileged, as president of the Le Grand Atlas Association (AGA) which organises the Marrakech Festival of Popular Arts (FNAP) and the Marrakech International Marathon (MIM). Professor Mohamed Knidiri is committed body and soul to revitalising the socio-economic, tourism and cultural sector of the city of Marrakech and its various regions in particular and the Kingdom in general.

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Approval of the Constitution of the United States of the World

After 35 years of effort, the "CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" was approved.
The ceremony took place at the headquarters in Naples in the presence - also on a web platform - of the members of the Board of Directors, of the members of the International Committee, of the members of the Executive Committee, of the representatives of the Ambassadors of the United States of the World, of the Presidents of Standing Commissions, the heads of the autonomous Sections, the representatives of the SUM Network, the representatives of the “Alfieri” of the United States of the World and the delegates of 181 countries of the 5 continents adhering to the United States of the World.
The deed of approval of the "Constitution" was drawn up by the Notary Ennio De Rosa following the filing with the Court of Naples of the 3 official editions of the document in Italian, English and French.
On this occasion the Secretary General prof. Michele Capasso expressed his great emotion for a historic moment which sees for the first time summarized in a "Constitutional Charter" the rights and duties of the inhabitants of the world to safeguard the Earth and ensure Peace.
The first adhesions and ratifications were attached to the act of approval, among these those of the Salesians of Don Bosco, of the Islamic Conference, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, of the Euromedcity city network, of the Mediterranean Academy, of the Almamed University network, of the Kimiyya network of women for dialogue, of the Academy for the United States of Europe and others.
A summary brochure on the 35 years of activity of the United States of the World was attached to the same deed.
From 22 November 2022, the date of conclusion of international obligations, the "Constitution" is definitively approved and will be transmitted throughout the world.

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Don Bosco Salesians appointed "Ambassadors of the United States of the World"

The "Salesians of Don Bosco", represented by Don Tonino Palmese, delegate of the Rector Major, received the prestigious title of "Ambassadors of the United States of the World".
The ceremony took place in Naples at the headquarters during the solemn approval ceremony of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD.
On this occasion, Don Angel Fernandez Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco - 14,486 religious distributed in 133 nations across 5 continents - joined as a founding member of the "United States of the World", ratifying its constitution.

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