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FISI sportsmen, teachers and students appointed as Standard-Bearers of the United States of the World

The FISI - Italian Winter Sports Federation - which includes 15 sports disciplines, has joined the "United States of the World": by virtue of the regulation, all members of the FISI - managers, students, athletes, teachers, etc. - are appointed "Standard-Bearers of the United States of the World" - are nominated "Standard-Bearers of the United States of the World".
The nomination ceremony with the awarding of diplomas took place at the headquarters in Naples and the first diplomas with the "Standard-Bearers" sash were awarded to Giacomo Bisconti, national technical manager, federal councillors Matteo Marsaglia and Betty Biavaschi, Roberta Cataldi, president of the technical school, Stefano Bosio, technical manager of Campania and Antonio Barulli, president of the FISI Campania Committee.
Other diplomas were handed out to the boys from various clubs at the ceremony held at the United States Museum of Peace.

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FISI joins the United States of the World

The FISI - Italian Winter Sports Federation - which includes 15 sports disciplines, has joined the "United States of the World", sharing the Constitution and the articles dedicated to sport as an instrument of education and peace.
Giacomo Bisconti, national technical manager, federal councillors Matteo Marsaglia and Betty Biavaschi, Roberta Cataldi, president of the technical school, Stefano Bosio, technical manager of Campania, and Antonio Barulli, president of the FISI Campania Committee, took part in the ceremony, which took place at the Naples headquarters.
On this occasion, Secretary-General Michele Capasso presented FISI with the badge and flag of the United States of the World.

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Delegates to the UNESCO International Conference visiting the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace

After visiting places in the historic centre of Naples, delegates to the UNESCO International Conference "Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century" were welcomed to the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace by Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso and other members of the institution.
On this occasion, the long-standing relations with UNESCO were emphasised: from the visits of former Director Generals Mayor and Bokova to the programmes on water and cultural heritage, coordinated by United States of the World members Maurizio Iaccarino (former UNESCO Deputy Director) and Massimo Pica Ciamarra.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso then retraced the main stages since 1987 and underlined the importance in the Constitution of the United States of the World of the articles devoted to climate change, ecological conversion and the protection of cultural heritage - tangible and intangible - in perfect harmony with UNESCO's mission and the issues addressed by the Naples conference.
Among other things, the numerous visits of André Azoulay - Advisor to the King of Morocco and father of the current UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay - to the United States of the World were recalled.
The delegates were impressed by the beauty of the site, a World Heritage Site, and by the 4K videos of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Campania and other places around the world.

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Mediterranean Awards 2023 Dedicated to the Alliance of Civilisations Announced

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Secretary-General of the United States of the World Prof. Michele Capasso announced the nomination of 3 Mediterranean Awards on the occasion of the inauguration of the Chair dedicated to the Alliance of Civilisations at the Euromed University of Fez. The awardees are:

  • MOSTAPHA BOUSMINA, President of the EUROMED University of Fès.
  • SALIM M. ALMALIKDirector General of the Islamic World Organisation for Education, Science and Research (ICESCO).
  • RICARDO DIEZ HOCHLEITNER RODRIGUEZ, Spanish Ambassador to Morocco.

The Board of Directors of the Euromed University of Fez has appointed Professor Abdelhak Azzouzi as the Chair dedicated to the Alliance of Civilisations.
"The unanimous conviction of the Board of Directors of the Euromed University of Fez is that the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations is the best partner to initiate such a project and to generate a dynamic of change in terms of perceptions, visions of the future and practices that generate fruitful values at the individual and collective level.
The Chair's mission has a historical and epistemological significance of the utmost importance in terms of the values of Fez and Morocco in terms of intercultural dialogue of civilisations and coexistence. It claims the role inherited from La Qaraouiyine University (historically the oldest in the world, still operational) in terms of knowledge and openness towards other cultures and civilisations
The Board of Directors of the Euromed University of Fez is composed of several Moroccan and foreign personalities including: André Azoulay, Advisor to His Majesty the King; Pr. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the UEMF; Mohammed Kabbaj, Chancellor of the UEMF; Prof. Abdelhak Azzouzi; Driss Jettou; Othman Benjelloun; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Cooperation and Moroccans Resident Abroad; the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation; the Ministry of Economy and Finance; the Ministry of National Education, Childhood Education and Sports; the Permanent Secretary of the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology; Khalid Safir; Michèle Geandreau Massaloux, former spokesperson of the Elysée Palace and Rector of the Paris Academies; the SG of the Union for the Mediterranean (Barcelona); the former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Rodi Kratsa; Saad Kettani; M'Hamm Douiri; Mohamed Horani; Taieb Chkili (former Minister of Education), the President of CGEM, the SG of Education in Spain, local authorities and many other personalities.

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A delegation from the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo at the UNESCO International Conference on Cultural Heritage

A delegation from the United States of the World took part in the various sessions of the UNESCO International Conference "Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century" held in Naples from 27 to 29 November 2023.
On this occasion, the long-standing relations with UNESCO were emphasised: from the visits of former Directors-General Mayor and Bokova to the programmes on water and cultural heritage, coordinated by United States of the World members Maurizio Iaccarino (former UNESCO Deputy Director) and Massimo Pica Ciamarra.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso then retraced the main stages since 1987 and underlined the importance in the Constitution of the United States of the World of the articles devoted to climate change, ecological conversion and the protection of cultural heritage - tangible and intangible - in perfect harmony with UNESCO's mission and the issues addressed by the Naples conference.
Among other things, the numerous visits of André Azoulay - Advisor to the King of Morocco and father of the current UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay - to the United States of the World headquarters were recalled.
A number of delegates visited the United States of the World headquarters and the Museum of Peace and were impressed by the beauty of the site, an emotional heritage of humanity, and by the 4K videos of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Campania and other places around the world.

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