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International Conference: "Psychology and Social Change for our Future World"

The "EFPA SC Community Psychology", the "AIP", the "Community Psychology Lab", the "Federico II University", the "Psy-Com Aps" and the "SIPCO" with the high patronage of the "United States of the World", the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and the "Kimiyya" network held the international conference on the theme "Bonding spaces and happiness in the times of onlife. Psychology and social change for our future world".

  • Psychology today and the environmental future.
  • Climate Change and Community Psychology.
  • Tools of Community Psychology to support and stimulate climate engagement.
  • Climate change projects based on the principles of Community Psychology.
  • Community Psychology perspectives on climate change.

During the discussion, the relationship between the "UN Day against Violence against Women" and climate change was analysed, highlighting how respect for the earth is a non-predatory feminine value.
The international meeting was held on the theme of the resources and potential of psychology in promoting respect for the earth and coping with environmental disasters.  The event was part of the European semester of Italian psychology. Participants included: the president of the national order of psychologists Dr David Lazzari, the president of the AIP Prof. Santo Di Nuovo, Prof. Cristoph Steinebach president of EFPA; all were welcomed by the director of the DSU Prof. Andrea Mazzucchi and Prof. Caterina Arcidiacono currently on the EFPA board. Among the presentations were those of Norwegian Prof. Bjorg Nikelund, Prof. Bernd Roehle and Prof. Wolfgang Stark - eminent representatives of German community psychology - and Prof. Fortuna Procentese, director of the DSU's "Psychology community lab", organiser of the event.
Participants were welcomed by the video of the Asl Na1 Centro psychological addiction unit "Gardening against any addiction!" presented by Dr. Anita Rubino.

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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" with its autonomous sections "MEDITERRANEAN FOUNDATION" and "KIMIYYA" celebrate in various countries, as they do every year on 25 November, the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" formalised by the United Nations in 1999.
"The date of 25 November,"
emphasises Secretary-General Michele Capasso, "was chosen to commemorate the life, activism and above all the courage of three sisters: Patria, Maria Teresa and Minerva Mirabal, also nicknamed 'mariposas', or butterflies, who fought for the freedom of their country: the Dominican Republic, which during the 1940s and 1950s was in the grip of General Rafael Trujilo's dictatorship. The Mirabal sisters decided to engage in political activism by denouncing the horrors and crimes of the dictatorship. But on 25 November 1960, the three 'mariposas' sisters were tortured and murdered by Trujillo's assassins. The outrage at their deaths raised a wave of horror both at home and abroad, drawing international attention to the Dominican regime and the 'machismo' culture that did not tolerate women occupying public and political space. It is in the memory of Patria, Maria Teresa and Minerva that every 25 November marks the beginning of a 16-day period dedicated to activism against gender-based violence, which ends on 10 December with International Human Rights Day”.
In this year, ravaged by wars and extreme events, the 'UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD' calls on everyone to 'pull together' to ensure respect for women's human dignity and, above all, to prevent the feminicides that infest all societies.

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EFPA President Christoph Steinebach appointed Ambassador of the United States of the World

As required by the statutory regulations, the president of the representatives of the associations of psychologists from the various European countries united in the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) - which are founding members of the United States of the World - was appointed "Ambassador" at a ceremony held at the headquarters in Naples.
The deed of appointment was signed by Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso and EFPA President Prof. Christoph Steinebach.

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EFPA Council meets at the United States of the World

The representatives of the associations of psychologists from 37 European countries gathered in the "EFPA" (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) - convened their "council" at the United States of the World. On this occasion they joined as "founding members" by ratifying the "Constitution of the United States of the World".
The act was signed by Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso - who presented the "United States of the World" to the participants - and EFPA President Prof. Christoph Steinebach.
In the cosy headquarters of the United States of the World, the presidents of the 37 national associations that bring together the 370,000 European psychologists focused their work on collaboration with the WHO - World Health Organisation - to promote mental health in particular of institutions, young people and the elderly. Another significant theme was rethinking psychology in relation to Artificial Intelligence and new media.

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Psychologists from all over Europe who are members of the "EFPA" join the United States of the World

The representatives of the associations of psychologists from 37 European countries gathered in the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) - meeting in the 'board' and 'council' at the headquarters of the United States of the World - have joined as 'founding members' by ratifying the 'Constitution of the United States of the World'.
The act was signed by Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso and EFPA President Prof. Christoph Steinebach.

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