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Open Science Hub Conference

The OPEN SCIENCE HUB Conference, organised by the "Phenomena Hub" and chaired by Dr. Raffaele Sperandeo, took place at the Museum of Peace .
The Open Science Hub conference concluded with a weekend during the International Research Week, during which the conclusions drawn by the working groups, special guest speakers and posters were presented. 
The ultimate goal is to recognise the scientific value of psychotherapy research through the promotion of an Open Science culture and the dissemination of information about its practice, tools and use. 
In addition to speeches by working group spokespersons and the related debate, this event also saw the presentation of research posters and the intervention of international special-guests. 
Of particular interest was the session devoted to "Ecopsychology".
Secretary General Capasso spoke, illustrating the relationship between community psychology, ecopsychology and the United States of the World.

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Anniversaries at the Museum: Celebration of the 45th year of Pope Giovanni Paolo II°'s pontificate

A great turnout at the Museum of Peace for the celebrations of the 45th anniversary of the beginning of the pontificate of Pope Giovanni Paolo II° on 16 October 1978.
In the rooms and the dedicated chapel moments of prayer and meetings were interspersed with the projection of videos and testimonies on St Giovanni Paolo II°: the Pope who changed the history of the 20th century.

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Anniversaries at the Museum: 100 years since the birth of Italo Calvino

Crowds of visitors to the Museum of Peace and the United States of the World for the centenary of Italo Calvino's birth.
On this occasion, the most important works and interviews with the great writer, a protagonist in the history of Italian literature, were shown on large video screens.
Visitors were given a copy of Enrica Maria Ferrara's book "Calvino and the Sea of the Other", published by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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25th Anniversary of the Mediterranean Academy

A ceremony was held at the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the "Academy of the Mediterranean" - an autonomous section of the United States of the World - in Naples on 10 October 1998.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso underlined the importance of the institution desired by 35 Euro-Mediterranean countries and the fundamental role it has played in this quarter of a century to promote peace and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the world.

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Appeal for Peace between Israel and Palestine

The "United States of the World" and the "Fondazione Mediterraneo", present with their network for humanitarian initiatives, launch from Gaza a heartfelt appeal for an end to the war actions that began with Hamas' senseless assault on Israel.
Blind faith in force has destroyed all compassion, rejected all dialogue, and is proudly advancing in Gaza amidst the ruins and deaths of hundreds of civilians as well as in so many villages in Israel amidst the fear and casualties of more than 3,000 rockets from Gaza.
Europe and the governments of the West, just as they were mute when the holocaust of the Jews was being prepared and perpetrated, now tergiversate with empty words, waiting until, the fighting over, the victor grants them the semblance of having brokered peace. 
It is up to civil society to rise up and say enough!
To say loud and clear that human values, which are the hard-won achievement of its history and the glory of its culture, must always be respected, now and immediately, in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem and everywhere in the world.
"With broken hearts," say the United States of the World, "we witness yet another resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The many efforts we have made, the many appeals spread all over the world, the meetings in our headquarters in Naples with Shimon Peres, Arafat, Abu Mazen, Mubarak and other exponents of the Arab countries had led to concrete progress in the peace process. The United States of the World has always proposed itself as an institutional place for dialogue, concretely analysing prospects for resolving the conflict in order to build shared peace responses".

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