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The Chapel consecrated to St. John Paul II° completed

The institutional headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace are enriched by a further precious emotional journey: the "Chapel consecrated to St. John Paul II°.
With access from Via Depretis, located on the mezzanine floor in a space set up in the "Saint John Paul II° Peace Library", the Chapel contains relics and artefacts of Pope John Paul II°.
Of particular significance is his support for the "United States of the World" project with the Vatican City flag he dedicated.
A plaque recalls His words to the promoters of the "United States of the World":
"You must never give up. You are in the right and true: as for the lack of freedom, remember that true and just freedom means having the right to do what you must".

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Workshop "Between Architecture and Mediterranean Culture"

The workshop on the theme "Between Architecture and Mediterranean Culture" promoted by "Archipelago" - a network of architecture and design companies and professionals and a place to discuss, explore new ideas and innovate - was held at the headquarters of the "United States of the World".
In the presence of over 150 architects and managers of leading companies in the sector, speakers included Gino Riccio, creator of "Archipelago", prof. arch. Michele Capasso - Secretary General of the United States of the World - and prof. arch. Massimo Pica Ciamarra, President of the International Committee. This was followed by representatives of the leading "Archipelago" member companies.
At the end of the proceedings, the guests visited the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace.

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Liberation Day of the Italian Republic

A day was held at the institutional headquarters of the United States of the World to celebrate the "Liberation Day of the Italian Republic".
Participating guests were welcomed by Secretary General Michele Capasso and other members, and accompanied along the various itineraries organised by the Museum of Peace, which retraced the most significant moments in the history of Italy concerning the liberation from Nazi-Fascism.
Live on the large video walls, there were connections with the Altare della Patria in Rome, Piazza Duomo in Milan and the Theatre of Cuneo: significant places of the 2023 celebrations.

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Earth Day

The United States of the World celebrated "Earth Day" in various cities on five continents.
Secretary General Michele Capasso and other members of the International Committee emphasised the concrete significance of the day's celebration and how the word 'Earth' is in the motto of the "United States of the World", which is "EARTH AND PEACE".
The most significant posters produced around the world for this occasion were displayed at the institutional headquarters in Naples.

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