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The flags of the United States of the World were handed out

The Secretary-General of the "United States of the World" Michele Capasso handed over the institution's flags to Lieutenant Admiral Salvatore Vitiello - the Navy's logistics commander - and the President of "Marevivo" Rosalba Giugni.
The ceremony took place on board the school ship "Palinuro" in the presence of and other personalities linked to the sea and safeguarding the planet.

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"Padua European Capital of Volunteering" joins the United States of the World

“Padua European Volunteer Capital" - a network of European volunteer associations - has joined as a founding member the "United States of the World" and the "Constitution" approved on 18.11.2022.
The act was signed by the President of the Association Emanuele Alecci and the Secretary-General of the "United States of the World" Michele Capasso.

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The "Luciano Tavazza" Association joins the United States of the World

The Luciano Tavazza Association - a pioneer in the field of organised volunteering - has joined the "United States of the World" as a founding member and the "Constitution" approved on 18.11.2022.
The act was signed by Association President Domenico De Simone and "United States of the World" General-Secretary Michele Capasso.

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Volunteering and the challenges of change in Europe

The international meeting on "Volunteering and the Challenges of Change in Europe" was held at the headquarters of the "United States of the World" and the "Fondazione Mediterraneo", with the participation of representatives of the main volunteer associations.
Coordinated by Senator Giuseppe Lumia - President of the Permanent Commission "Volunteering and Human Rights" of the United States of the World - the meeting produced several recommendations including that of achieving European coordination of volunteering with shared rules.
On this occasion, the "Padua European Capital of Volunteering" joined the United States of the World.

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Students and teachers at the G. Caselli Rare Institute in Naples named "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World"

There was great emotion in the courtyard of the "G. Caselli rare address institute " in Naples for the naming ceremony of the entire teaching staff and students as "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".
Headmaster Valter Luca de Bartolomeis expressed his pleasure at the honour received and pledged that the entire Institute would work to affirm the values enshrined in the "Constitution of the United States of the World".
Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso expressed his appreciation for the quality of the training and the harmony among the students as he proceeded to name each of the teachers and students present on the last day of school.
Dr. Pia Molinari visited the ceramic workshops and classrooms, appreciating the high quality of the work produced.
On this occasion, the award of "Standard bearer" and "In viaggio con..." project coordinator was given to Prof. Pasquale Gallifuoco.
Some students thanked the "United States of the World" in the main languages for the honour bestowed on them.

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