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Seminar for the presentation of the Draft Law, supplementing and amending the Third Sector Code (Legislative Decree no. 117/2017)

Secretary-General Michele Capasso and the President of the Standing Committee on Volunteering and Human Rights Giuseppe Lumia attended the seminar held at CSV Lazio in Rome.
Opened and introduced by Domenico De Simone, president of the Tavazza Association, the meeting saw speeches by Giuseppe Cotturri and Rocco D'Ambrosio on the theme The participatory phenomena of civil society and the role of volunteering.
Giuseppe Lumia and Maria Teresa Vinci then presented the Draft Law that gave the seminar its title.
Preceded by Renato Frisanco (What do we know about organised volunteering today?), a number of speeches were given by representatives of Networks, Groups, Foundations and Universities, namely by Vinicio Albanesi, president of the Capodarco Community; Gian Candido De Martin, president emeritus of the Bachelet Centre of the LUISS University of Rome; Patrizio Petrucci of ANPAS (National Association of Public Assistance); Tiziano Vecchiato, president of the Emanuela Zancan Foundation.
Riccardo Guido will moderate the proceedings and Giuseppe Lumia will draw the conclusions.

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Celebrating the 120th anniversary of Gustavus Rol's birth

A ceremony was held at the Naples headquarters of the "United States of the World" to mark the 120th anniversary of the birth of Gustavo Rol, creator of the "United States of the World".
On this occasion - through video, audio, documents and images - the life of the "Great Enlightened One" who marked the last century with his presence was reconstructed.
To the many students present, Secretary-General Michele Capasso and Director General Pia Molinari explained the significant traits of Gustavo Rol's personality.
As a simple observation and at the conclusion of his speech, Secretary-General Michele Capasso pointed out that today's day is "Unique" in the commemoration process as it is the only unrepeatable time when the 120th anniversary coincides with the multiplication of Gustavo Rol's day of birth: 20.06 = 20x6= 120!

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World Refugee Day

The "United States of the World" with its autonomous sections "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and "Accademia del Mediterraneo" celebrated "World Refugee Day" in order to intensify efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts and contribute to peace and security for refugees.
The United Nations General Assembly chose to celebrate "World Refugee Day" on 20 June each year with Resolution 55/76. The document was passed on 4 December 2000 to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.
The "United States of the World" joined with Resolution No. 136 of 16 July 2001.
"Still this year, said Secretary-General Michele Capasso, Syrians, citizens of Sudan, Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo will be among those most in need of a resettlement programme".
Several events have been organised in various countries by the "United States of the World" around the world to mark the Day..

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20th anniversary of the Caponnetto Foundation

The United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo collaborated and participated in the Anti-Mafia Summit on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the "Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto", a founding member of the United States of the World.
The Caponnetto Foundation celebrated its 20th anniversary with an event, held on Saturday 17 June at the Biblioteca delle Oblate in Florence, Sala Sibilla Aleramo, entitled "What changes in 2023 in the fight against the Mafia. Commitments and perspectives. Dedicated to Nazzareno Bisogni". A summit, open to the public, was attended by numerous representatives of the anti-mafia movement.
"An important anniversary for the Caponnetto Foundation," said Deputy Mayor Alessia Bettini, "which for 20 years has been doing great work not only in analysing data, but also in raising awareness among young people to promote the culture of legality.
"We are 30 years on from the Georgofili massacre, said the Secretary-General of the United States of the World Michele Capasso, "and we must always remember that the mafias are still there: it is necessary to continue to be vigilant and to transmit the culture of respect for the rules, without ever being indifferent. It is very nice that the public initiative of the Caponnetto Foundation is taking place at the Oblate library, a place of culture, social presidium and democratic and critical citizenship. Because when there is knowledge there is always attention, vigilance and awareness".

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Students from the "Alpi-Levi" Institute nominated "Standard bearers of the United States of the World"

Accompanied by Prof. Maya Bova and Prof. Anna De Mattia, students from the Istituto Comprensivo "Alpi-Levi" in Scampia visited the headquarters of the "United States of the World" and the Museum of Peace, a World Heritage Site.
On this occasion, the Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso illustrated the aims of the institution and appointed all the teachers and students present - by virtue of the resolution of the International Committee that decreed the adhesion of the I.C. "Alpi-Levi" to the SUM network - as " Standard Bearers of the United States of the World", namely:

  • TEACHER: Maya Bova and Anna De Mattia.
  • STUDENTS: Buonamrio Suamy, Porcellano Angelica, Mitrovic Cristina, Jeuremovic Vesna, Jovanovic Enzo Oscar, Nikolic Sanela, Nikolic Daniela, Casanova Francesco Pio, Carluccio Silvio, Mele Andrea, Muharem Angela, Jasar Elmedina, Castellano Antonio, Tsapchuk Yelysei, Parshyn Arkadii, Ricciardiello Shadé.

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