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Volunteering as a valuable asset

The United States of the World with the Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the meeting on the theme "Volunteering a valuable asset" organised by "Padua European Capital of Volunteering", a founding member of the United States of the World.
On this occasion, the text of the amendment to the Third Sector Code was presented, an important turning point for voluntary associations that have long had to deal with suffocating bureaucracy. In Padua, advantage was taken of this occasion to take stock of the strategy to prepare the specifications that will be used to present the candidature of these organisations as World Heritage Sites, with the support of the 'United States of the World'.
There was also agreement on the need to establish a network of volunteer associations that looks to Europe and the world and is based on being-doing and being-change, with a more modern approach. Modern volunteering must be a subject of change and can no longer simply stand by and watch.

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The Sacro Cuore Institute and the CIOFS Association of Ruvo di Puglia visit the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace

Students and teachers from the "Sacro Cuore" Salesian Institute and the CIOFS/FP training school in Ruvo di Puglia visited the headquarters of the "United States of the World" and the "Museum of Peace", accompanied by the Director Sister Liberata.
Guided by the Secretary-General, they retraced the main institutional and emotional paths.
At the end, the students and teachers, in accordance with the resolution of the International Committee of the "United States of the World", were appointed " Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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The Sacro Cuore Institute and the CIOFS Association of Ruvo di Puglia appointed Standard Bearers of the United States of the World

Students and teachers from the Salesian Institute "Sacro Cuore" and the CIOFS/FP training school in Ruvo di Puglia, accompanied by the Director Sister Liberata - as per the decision of the International Committee of the "United States of the World" - were appointed "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".
The ceremony took place at the Naples headquarters, attended by Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso.

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The Totem for Peace attracts visitors from all over the world

The "Totem for Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - symbol of the United States of the World - is visited by travellers from five continents. The piece made in the Port of Naples, inaugurated by Pope Francesco on 21 March 2015 and containing the urn of the Unknown Migrant, is a destination for visitors who linger to understand the importance of the symbol and the value of the urn.

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A clap of hands for grandmother Betta

Elisabetta Baldi Caponnetto, widow of Judge Antonino Caponnetto, has ascended to heaven.
To all of us she was simply "Grandmother Betta," as was "Grandfather Nino."
The United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo remember a woman who had taken up her husband's meritorious and courageous battle and over the years had gone to great lengths to meet boys and girls in schools, with the aim of spreading an anti-mafia culture among the new generations.
How can we fail to remember the visit to her home to present the "Mediterranean Award for Legality" to the memory of Nonno Nino and her delicacy in placing the "Totem for Peace, the Award, among her most cherished things.
And then the many meetings, the generosity in writing the preface to the volume "La Grande Méditerranée," the meeting at the Senate with President Pietro Grasso to support the "United States of the World" and the "Totem for Peace."
His example and spirit will remain as an inspiration and motivation for all of us and for those engaged in the front lines of the fight against all mafias.

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