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United States of the World celebrates National French Republic Day

Nella sede centrale di Napoli degli “Stati Uniti del Mondo” vari eventi e collegamenti in diretta in occasione della Festa Nazionale della Repubblica Francese.
In questa occasione il Segretario Generale Michele Capasso con i membri dell’Assemblea Generale ha ricordato gli antichi legami con la Francia e, in particolare, con la città di Marsiglia che il 6 luglio 2000 con il Grande evento delle “Assises” contribuì a diffondere i valori degli “Stati Uniti del Mondo”.

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United Airlines supports the United States of the World

The entire crew of United Airlines visited the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace, expressing great appreciation for the initiative and proposing the dissemination of the 'Land and Peace' message with the involvement of the world's major airlines, first and foremost United Airlines.
On this occasion, certificates of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded.

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From Tetouan to the Peace Museum

Nouha Naceri from Tétouan (Morocco) accompanied by her mother visited the MAMT Peace Museum and the United States of the World headquarters.
Great appreciation for the collections and for the emotional tours dedicated to Morocco, with the historic visits of King Hassan II and Mohammed VI.

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Condolences for the killing of Shinzo Abe

The President, the Secretary General and the members of the General Assembly of the "United States of the World" express deep condolences for the barbaric killing of Shinzo Abe, one of the most influential post-war Japanese leaders who spread the ideals of democracy in his country. of freedom and social justice.



The United States of the World celebrates USA Independence Day

At the Naples headquarters of the 'United States of the World' various events and live links for the 'Independence Day of the United States of America', also known as the 4th of July: the US national holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America on 4 July 1776, by which the Thirteen Colonies broke away from the Kingdom of Great Britain, ruled at the time by George III°.
On this occasion, Secretary General Michele Capasso celebrated the history and democratic traditions of the United States of America.

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