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United States of the World celebrates World Turtle Day

Secretary General Michele Capasso in connection with the Tokyo office highlighted the importance of protecting sea turtles, peaceful and ancient creatures of high biological importance.
16 June marks World Sea Turtle Day, Turtle Day, established to highlight the need to protect these magnificent creatures. The date chosen is a tribute to Professor Archie Carr, born on 16 June 1909, a great turtle scholar.
"Sea turtles," said SG Capasso, "deserve to live regardless, but there would be sufficient reason even if we looked at them with the utilitarian eye typical of our species. These animals, for instance, help regulate jellyfish and sponge populations, some species feed on algae and other marine plants, thus limiting their spread and 'creating' habitats for many marine species. All seven existing turtle species are in fact endangered: they are the loggerhead turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), the Kemp's turtle (Lepidochelys kempii), the olive turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) and the flatback turtle (Natator depressus).
The life of sea turtles,' SG Capasso concluded, 'is a constant struggle for survival, starting from the exact moment they take the snout out of the egg, the percentage of hatchlings destined to reach adulthood is about one in a thousand. As soon as they are born, the baby turtles emerge from their nests and 'run' towards the water, listening to a mute ancestral call. To reach the sea they have to avoid a large number of predators, such as seagulls, crabs and even crocodiles.
In theory, once they reach adulthood, these reptiles would be difficult to attack, protected by an impregnable carapace and able to swim at speeds in excess of 35 kilometres per hour. However, the sea is full of man-made dangers against which turtles, despite considerable experience over 150 million years, are not equipped'.

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Conference of Mediterranean Ministers of Culture

The "Conference of Mediterranean Ministers of Culture" was held in Naples.
In the final document, the proposal for a "Mediterranean Capital of Culture".
On this occasion, Michele Capasso - President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Secretary General of the "United States of the World" - recalled the 33 years of commitment in favour of culture and Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, the role played by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in the establishment of the "Anna Lindh Foundation" and in the creation of a "Mediterranean Capital of Culture", which was decided by the 2248 participants at the Euromed Civil Forum in Naples (10-12 December 1997) in the presence - among others - of the President of the Italian Republic Scalfaro, other Heads of State and Government of various countries and representatives of international organisations.
"We are honoured and willing," concluded President Capasso, "to bring our contribution to this initiative, which is necessary for peace and shared development in the Greater Mediterranean and the world".

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The Consul of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Naples designated Ambassador of the United States of the World

Il Console della Repubblica Democratica del Congo a Napoli, avv. Angelo Melone, è stato designato “Ambasciatore” degli Stati Uniti del Mondo e, in particolare, per l’Africa nell’ambito del programma “Stati Uniti dell’Africa”.
Nel corso di una cerimonia presso la sede di Napoli il Segretario Generale Michele Capasso ha conferito la nomina al Console Melone unitamente ad una lettera ufficiale per il Dr. DENIS MUKWEGE assegnatario del premio “Stati Uniti del Mondo per la pace 2022”.

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United States of the World celebrates World Oceans Day

Nella sede centrale di Napoli ed in altre città in vari paesi gli Stati Uniti del Mondo celebrano la “Giornata mondiale degli oceani” - coerentemente alla suddivisione in aree macro-geografiche - per riflettere sui benefici che gli oceani sono in grado di fornirci e il dovere che incombe su ogni individuo e sulla collettività di interagire con gli oceani in modo sostenibile, affinché siano soddisfatte le attuali esigenze, senza compromettere quelle delle generazioni future.

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