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Official United States of the World website presented

After more than a year of effort by volunteers from 181 countries and representatives of over 16,000 member organisations, the official portal was presented in Naples, Marrakech and New York.
The president of the International Committee, Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra, thanked everyone for the complex work done over the past year in which the portal has been open at times to collect contributions, images and videos from all over the world.
On this occasion, he thanked ANSA, the main news agencies, and all the media that have granted their images for the high purposes of the United States of the World aimed at safeguarding the EARTH and ensuring PEACE.

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The United States of the World expresses outrage at the death of Aleksej Navalni

The Secretary General, the Council of Ambassadors and members of the United States of the World expressed their outrage at the death of Aleksej Navalni at several events in Rome, Brussels and Munich.
"This is a defeat of democracy and freedom," said Secretary-General Michele Capasso speaking to a group of students to whom he showed a video circulating on social networks from the documentary named after him. Users are relaying a specific scene from the film in which the Russian dissident recites what could be considered his spiritual testament. "If they decide to kill me," Navalny says in the video, "it means that we are incredibly strong and we must use this power. Sitting in semi-darkness at the counter of a completely empty bar, the activist asks his followers to continue what he started: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. So do not be inactive".

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Meeting of the Peace is Action Commission of the United States of the World

The Peace is Action Commission of the United States of the World met in Manila.
On the agenda were the initiatives put in place, especially through the network of adhering civil society associations and organisations, to reaffirm the irreplaceable value of "Peace" and the condemnation of all wars: on this occasion it was unanimously agreed to support all existing efforts to affirm peace, especially in regions where conflicts persist and are causing thousands of victims.
On this occasion, the 2024 Yearbook was presented.

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Meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the United States of the World

The Human Rights Commission of the United States of the World met in Marrakech.
On the agenda were violations of human rights, especially in countries at war: Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Yemen and many others.
It was unanimously agreed to make every effort in all fora, but especially through the network of member associations and civil society organisations to reaffirm the inviolable value of human rights.
On this occasion, the 2024 Yearbook was presented.

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